Monday, August 17, 2009


For the past year or so I've had the definate urge to get up and just leave. I have constant wanderlust, everywhere I go, I just want to keep on going until I reach the edge of something. I've always had this feeling, but the past year it has been more and more pulling and as I see all my friends go off to some universities in other places, I can't help but feel lonely. Sure all my other friends are staying right here in Ottawa, but now I feel like I should be one of those who are leaving. Im going to Carleton this fall and I'm a wee bit excited but its not my main choice. I want to go back to Umeå. For me Umeå is my ideal place, no big city assholes to deal with, no skyscrapers that break the sky and let it bleed and of course its punk rock city.

I need to feel the midnight sun on my face and the dark winters which always follow. Since first laying my eyes on "white birch city" I've loved it. Sure Ottawa is a fun place, but Ive been here to long and I don't want to stay for another 4 years in the same place, going to the same districts, I just don't like that at all. You might be thinking "well once you reach Umeå, you'll have the same feelings again." I might agree with that, but for me its where I really want to be. I hate the constant hustle and bustle of the big cities, I hate skyscrapers (a major reason why I don't want to go to New York City) I just want a place where I can see true beauty and not man-made eyesores which block the beauty by replacing it with metal covered boxes. Ill do one year at Carleton and see how I feel about it, but right now I feel as if I should get out my bag stuff it fill of my Isis and Mastodon cds, all my Will Ferrell movies and get my bike and ride it to the airport and just board the next one to Stockholm. Yea thats a good plan.


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