Monday, January 11, 2010

Going through the emotions

My music taste is weird. One day I want to blast some of the heaviest shit I can find, usually High On Fire or Every Time I Die and then destroy everything in sight. Other days are usually filled with political "fuck you's" and having fun doing it, that's usually filled with Randy or Dillinger Four. Now, most of my days and nights are filled with relaxing, slip into space and drift into the nothingness. Post-rock, atmospheric metal have basically all that has been ruling my life since this year began. I don't know why this sudden deep love for post rock. I've always enjoyed post rock bands, i.e. This Will Destroy You, Sigur Ros, Explosions In the Sky etc.. However lately, it seems all that has been filling my ears. Maybe it's because I don't want to listen about the woes of the world or the woes of man and simply focus on the beauty of the world rather than it's miseries. Maybe that's why I like Isis' "Wavering Radiant" so much, because it provides me with a sense of absolute solititude and creates my ideal atmosphere, or atleast until Aaron Turner begins to scream, but I'm not complaining. I had a great experience with a certain post-rock song, This Will Destroy You - "This World Is Our ____" I was driving along to my cottage way up in the hills and the sun was setting and the sky was coloured orange and blue, just before the darkness overtook it. The song was playing and I watched the passing trees and fields and felt that I had achieved Moksha. Then again I'm not a Buddhist and probably didn't reach enlightenment but never the less, I was enlightened. Enjoy.

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