Friday, July 3, 2009

Just Beat It.

Three posts already and from only having this for less than one day! Well I've got something on my mind that I want to talk about. This morning I woke from my slumber and turned on the tv to the news which had some story about Michael Jackson. Constant news about the late MJ is getting on my nerves, because it seems everywhere I go (media wise) I run into some sort of headline about Jackson. Okay I'm not the biggest MJ fan, on occassion I'll bust out the Thriller dance for shitz and gigglez but thats it, other than that the only song of his that I can sing along to is that one he did in the Simpsons for Lisa's birthday. Other than that I am unphased by his absence.

It's not that I don't mind seeing his bleached face all over the screens, its the fact that the news sources aren't letting go of the fact that he is dead. They are reporting all these stories about how his last rehearesal was going along, how he was doing and the very morbid, tour of an empty Neverland Ranch. They even had one segement about the room where he had the cardiac arrest. Holy shit, in the words of G.O.B. "C'MON!" you know enough is enough. Surely these media giants can't grasp reality that a beloved music icon has died and are trying to show that he could still be alive, but hiding out in some other ranch. Do the words "rest in peace" apply to these people, apparently not. It's stuff like this that'll make people not want to become famous, if this sort of constant media whoreage comes with death, then death better come quick, while your young and ready. What I loved the most about the news of the death of MJ was on that day CNN and BBC where on constant "Jackson Watch" until the early hours of the morning while CBC had a 15 minute segment and then went onto a bigger issue of the Iranian protest, thanks CBC for reporting more news. You might begin to hate me by reading this but hear me out, I think it is a loss that music has lost such a strong icon, butttt he hadn't done anything spectacular for awhile, so really minus the concerts in London, not the biggest loss to the industry, I mean Tupac is dead, but somehow releasing music. The grieving is over for MJ, but I'm still grieving over Billy Mays.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Zoom, kick, persuasion, tech.

So I thought I'd get the ball rolling by starting to talk about one of my favourite musicians, Buck 65. My relationship with Buck started back in 2003 when an ad for a show of his in Toronto was on the screen of Much Music with the song "Wicked and Weird" in the background. I didn't like rap/hip-hop at this time but man, that 30 seconds was in my mind for the longest time and eventually I wandered my way to the local record store and bought "Talkin' Honkey Blues", love ever since. For the past couple of months all I've been listening to is post-metal, doom and punk rock and today I had the biggest urge to listen to Buck 65 and our love came tumbling back. My favourite track, hands down, has to be "Blood of a Young Wolf" there is something about this song that chills my bones, the absolute beauty and wonder of this track makes me feel tingly inside.

"Blood of a Young Wolf"

Absolutely fantastic.


The Beginning and the End

For awhile on (the almighty) facebook. The two of us have been talking about starting our own blog to talk about crap that we find important to spread to the masses. Stuff such as music, politics, how messed up the world is and few things that we are excited for. When I say the two of us I mean that this will be a dual-blog, as in two people will update this as often as we can. Our brains are running on empty and our fingers itchy to type our anger/hate/love etc. We are, Gabriel (Gabs) and Nicolas (Nic) and we are here to do fuckall. Enjoy it, despise it, watch out for

Mitch Clem keeps me sane.