Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me)

I'm part of the drunken generation. The age where alcohol seems to be the main priority for most teenagers. I've seen tons of facebook status' proclaiming "drinking tonight..YYEEAHHHH" and obviously followed by the drunken typing which usually looks like this "Yaeh! booiiezzze". Now I drink, well occasionally and Ive never been flat out DRUNK, and these past few days I've been questioning do I want to continue to do so? I used to be straight edge back in grade 9 and went to mid grade 11 because I wanted to impress a girl at a party that I was a man, but she didn't care. Now as I think about it, maybe I should reclaim edge, since I was never truly into drinking anyway. Maybe its because I haven't been invited to a party in a long time, man, usually when people are lonely they DRINK themselves into misery. I just don't understand why certain people, in every waking moment think about when the next time they will be hitting the club/bar etc, and end up drinking the night away and waking up the next morning thinking they've swallowed a rabid badger. Where is the pleasure in that? If I want to go out and celebrate something I don't want it to be a fuzzy "did that happen or did I dream it?" kind of memory. I've noticed over the past years, the lenghts people will go to get that taste of booze flowing through their veins, the rats will find a way. The more I think about it, alcohol is a very bourgeois thing. Even though those in the lower classes enjoy them, alcohol companies show that those in high power, must and will enjoy what they produce and it will make them happy. Perhaps I'm being vague on that but it could be a possibility, just look at a majority of alcohol commercials. If I want capitalism to end, might as well start at what fuels it.

the past will haunt you